23 March 2011

The Name's Bond - Jane Bond

A challenging video about equality and the continued discrimination and lack of parity that women still face in many walks of life


  1. Hi Monty.

    Just put up the Audio of old Perchard & Tadier from last weeks States sitting.

    You can Listen to them Here

  2. Thank you Jersey Way. I have just been listening to that actually. Good work!

  3. You said in the States, you were going to do a blog about what was said. When are you going to do it.

  4. When the hansard (the official transcript) comes out. Will take about another 4 days. In the meantime one can visit here for a very good blog on the issue http://thejerseyway.blogspot.com/2011/04/senator-jim-perchard-tells-us-we-are.html
